Animals Plus Mod 1.12 2. This mod gives you the feeling of being a man from the stone age No more magically created planks from wood logs the way to your first crafting table is long and dangerous In prehistoric ages animals were not domesticated and the same applies to this mod There are no cows sheeps pigs or chickens Instead you’ll find their ancestors.
Animals Plus V1 8 Kiwis Camels And More Updated 5 8 2016 Minecraft Mod from Planet Minecraft
Browse and download Minecraft Anime Mods by the Planet Minecraft community.
Anime Minecraft Mods Planet Minecraft Community
Map Trailer Map Info You find yourself stranded on a raft floating somewhere in the Pacific Ocean To stay alive the most important is to provide yourself of basic necessities Water food thermoregulation shelter the ability to think straight to navigate safely and to avoid unpleasant and possibly fatal interactions with animals.
Animals Plus V1 8 Kiwis Camels And More Updated 5 8 2016 Minecraft Mod
Unique Enchantments. Minecraft Mod
Stranded Raft Minecraft
Yanny’s Stone Age Minecraft CurseForge Mods
Killing Animals will restore Hunger but they wont drop Loot Bow Ender Marksmen Hitting an Arrow will grant you the Arrow back and restore Durability Armor Vitae Increases Max HP Helmet Ender Eyes Enderman won’t aggro anymore by looking Treasurer’s Eyes Particles will be shown when a Player or Mob has a specific Enchantment active Chestplate.