Brassica Rapa. Brassica rapa Chou de Chine / Bok choy Chou de Chine (chou de Pékin) / Petsaï Chou cantonnais / Choy sum Brocolirave Tatsoi Portail de la botanique Portail des plantes utiles La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 8 janvier 2021 à 1432 Droit d’auteur les textes sont disponibles sous licence Creative Commons attribution partage dans les mêmes.
Brassica Rapa Ruvo Group American Gai Lan Broccoletti Broccoletti Di Rape Broccoli Raab Broccoli Rabe Italian Broccoli Rabe Rape Rapini North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox from
Sinapis arvensis the charlock mustard field mustard wild mustard or charlock is an annual or winter annual plant of the genus Sinapis in the family BrassicaceaeIt is found in the fields of North Africa Asia and Europe Pieris rapae the small white butterfly and Pieris napi the green veined white butterfly are significant consumers of charlock during their larval stages.
Brassica napus (B napus AACC 2n=38) is an economically important oilseed crop which provides approximately 1316% of the vegetable oil globallyB napus is originated in the Mediterranean region about 7500 years ago by natural hybridization between two diploid progenitors B rapa (AA 2n=20) and B oleracea (CC 2n=18) The genetic pool of B napus has.
Raps – Wikipedia
The turnip or white turnip (Brassica rapa subsp rapa) is a root vegetable commonly grown in temperate climates worldwide for its white fleshy taprootThe word turnip is a compound of turn as in turned/rounded on a lathe and neep derived from Latin napus the word for the plantSmall tender varieties are grown for human consumption while larger varieties are grown as feed for.
Friarielli Wikipedia
PDF fileThe Brassica Rapa plants were expected to have a greater growth rate under BLUE light which has a higher energy level receiving most of its needed nutrients from chlorophyll b RED light plants where expected to have a weaker growth rate receiving most of its nutrients from chlorophyll a White light having a better balance of chlorophyll a chlorophyll b and the carotenoids and.
Brassica Rapa Ruvo Group American Gai Lan Broccoletti Broccoletti Di Rape Broccoli Raab Broccoli Rabe Italian Broccoli Rabe Rape Rapini North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Chou cavalier — Wikipédia
Brassica napus pangenome Information Resource (BnPIR)
Turnip Wikipedia
Sinapis arvensis Wikipedia
Brassica napus ist eine allopolyploide Hybride die aus einer Bastardisierung von Rübsen (Brassica rapa) und Gemüsekohl (Brassica oleracea) hervorgegangen ist Das Genom von Raps besteht aus 38 Chromosomen davon sind 20 bzw 18 Chromosomen von den beiden Ausgangsformen Geschichte In einem Forschungsinstitut in Holtsee (Kreis Rendsburg.