Devexpress Xpo Tutorial. Disclaimer The information provided on DevExpresscom and its affiliated web properties is provided “as is” without warranty of any kindDeveloper Express Inc disclaims all warranties either express or implied including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
How To Generate Xpo Business Classes For Existing Data Tables Expressapp Framework Devexpress Documentation from DevExpress Documentation
Before proceeding we recommend that you review the Tutorial 1 Your First DataAware Application with XPO lesson Define a OnetoMany Association First create a Windows Forms Application project and declare the Customer object that has the Name and Age properties and the Order object that has the ProductName and OrderDate properties (for details see Tutorial 1).
Tutorial 5
Imports DevExpressXpo Imports DevExpressXtraGridViewsGridViewInfo Private Sub GridView1_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object ByVal e As SystemEventArgs) _ Handles GridView1DoubleClick ' Checks whether an endused has double clicked the row indicator Dim hi As GridHitInfo = GridView1CalcHitInfo(GridControl1PointToClient(MousePosition)) If Not hiInRow Then Return ' Starts the nested.
Tutorial 2 DevExpress Documentation
Getting Started with XPO Jul 09 2021 2 minutes to read Hello World Console App This tutorial demonstrates how to create an XPObased console application that initializes the data layer and performs basic data operations.
xpo tutorial DevExpress Support
Tutorial 1 Your First DataAware Application with XPO Sep 02 2019 8 minutes to read This lesson will guide you through creating a simple WinForms application into which you can enter and then view customer details Tip A complete sample project is.
How To Generate Xpo Business Classes For Existing Data Tables Expressapp Framework Devexpress Documentation
Tutorial 1 Your First DataAware Application with XPO
Getting Started with XPO DevExpress Tutorial 4
Developer documentation for all DevExpress products Tutorial 5 An ASP NET Application for Data Editing Oct 29 2020 5 minutes to read.