Portal Akademik Unbrah. Portal Kemahasiswaan Jurnal Unbrah Catalog Pustaka Eksternal Ebscohost Forlap Dikti Simlitabmas Ristek Dikti Lembaga Masjid Baiturrahmah LP3M [Lembaga Pengembangan Pengajaran dan Penjaminan Mutu Center For Research On Healthy Aging Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Kemahasiswaan HUMAS & KERJASAMA.
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This page lists registered OAI conforming repositories registered through our registration and validation pageCurrently there are 5455 such repositories The table may be sorted either by the Repository Name the base URL or the oaiidentifier namespace (if defined used in the oaiidentifier scheme)For each repository you may view the registration record from the database.