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Performance Perspectives: EFI Throttle Bodies MOTOR
Remove the battery cables When you work under the hood of your vehicle you’ll be close toRemove the air filter cover mass air flow sensor and intake tube Remove the clips holdingRemove the air intake hose from the throttle body Once the other air intake hoses have beenRemove complete air intake housing from the vehicle After all the connections are looseReplace the air filter Most of the time the issues that are caused by a dirty throttle body mayCleaning your throttle body The process of cleaning your throttle body while on the car isInspect the edges of the throttle body for wear and carbon buildup After cleaning the throttleInspect and clean the throttle control valve While you’re working on the throttle body it’s aReinstall components in reverse order of removing After the throttle control valve and.
Performance Throttle Bodies For GM LS Engines
Check Engine Light The throttle body has some angle sensors and other sensors installedRough Idling If you notice your car’s engine idle is jumping up and down and make strangeRough Acceleration The throttle body is also regulating the airfuel mixture that is enteringMisfires Misfires occur either when the airfuel mixture is very wrong or when it comes to aHigh RPM Idle The throttle body controls the engine’s idle to make sure it is always holding aStalling Idle The throttle body can affect the RPM the other way also It can cause the RPMPoor Engine Performance The engine requires both adequate air and fuel supply to performChanged Fuel Consumption You already know that a bad throttle body will cause a strange.
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